
To Do this Year: Attend a Conference

Looking for opportunities to expand your network of friends and business associates? One the best ways that you can do this is by attending a conference.

Conferences are ideal venues for you to network because two groups of people attend. The first group is the people with business interests similar to your own. If engineering is your field, for example, each person who attends an engineering-themed conference with you is a potential contact in your network.

The second group is the ‘big name’ people in your business. Keynote speakers, innovators, authors and corporate leaders are all extremely valuable in your network, not just because of what they might do for you, but also because of what you might do for them.

Approaching potential contacts at conferences requires both external and internal preparation on your part. Externally, remember, appearance counts. The first impression that you will make will be based on your appearance alone. That’s why it’s a good idea to look professional without looking pretentious. If the cashmere business suit is not you, go with the smart jacket and grey flannel pants instead. Be at your best, but be yourself.

Internally, have a very clear picture in your mind of the image that you want to present and carry it around with you. Use this to help you keep your confidence levels up. When you approach people remember that while you’re building your own network, you’re also helping them build theirs. You never know who will make a good contact. While someone may be of less value to you, you may prove to be extremely valuable to them.

How do you begin a conversation? Be prepared a moment in advance. Perhaps you and your contact have attended a session together. Maybe you notice a book that she’s carrying with her. Even simple things like the information on name badges can be useful points of departure. Contacts that you approach are as eager to talk to you as you are to them, so approach with confidence and with a smile.

One more tip, carry your business cards where you have easy access to them. Fumbling through purses and briefcases is inconvenient and also looks bad. An inner jacket pocket is ideal. Carry a smart business card holder if you have one, and place your new contact’s card inside after you receive it.

Few places offer the networking opportunities that conferences do. Attend a professional conference in your field at least once a year, and watch you business network grow.

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